Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3,2012 Day 22 into the next 50 years!

Just want to thank all of you for your continuous prayers for Jim. He is recovering nicely from his surgery, all his blood work is coming back normal and everyone is pleased with his progress. He has been working on regaining strength in his legs and upper body and is standing and taking 3 steps to the chair, where he sits for about 2 hours. Then 3 steps back to his bed. He probably will not need the Hoyer Lift anymore and may be moved to a different room for someone who may need it. Every move closer to the exit is a welcome blessing. He had trouble sleeping last night so he is doing alot of sleeping today. Our daughter, Shelly, is back for the weekend just to make sure he really is improving and that I am not "sugar coating" anything. I appreciate all of our friends and family being considerate of his need to rest and heal. I hope you don't feel I am keeping you away intentionally, I would love to have a huge party up here and be thrown out, but we can have that when he is finally well enough to entertain at home. Summer BBQ's will be a time to party! We are anxious to share our Hawaiian experience. It is so beautiful there.

Maybe Monday we will find out when he may be able to go to Rio Rehab. I think once he is there and they push him as much as he is able, he will progress quickly. He wants to go home, but there is no way I can have him there until he is able to stand and walk on his own. The Care Coordinator will come to the house and assess what we need to bring him home. Probably some hand rails for the 2 or 3 steps we have. Easier access to his bathroom, some handrails there and a new, higher toilet. Oh, heck, lets just remodel the whole house while he's not there to nix me! I will probably be asking for your help, I am known for tearing down things and cleaning up the mess, but not so much for putting back together although I am a great go-pher! This has been a most humbling experience for Jim as he usually doesn't ask for help. He has been so appreciative to all who have been here and offered help. His brother has been an excellent help trying to keep my suburban running.

For those of you suffering your own losses and pain please text me and I will pray for you. It is so meaningful that so many church families were and still are praying for his complete recovery. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. very excited that he is getting better WE pray daily and will continue.
    Scott and I love you two and will do anything you need, just lets us know. also, told Jim when you give me the ok/green light, I will get a crew together to come out and do the yard work.
    love and hugs
    Scott and Misty
