Monday, March 12, 2012

Somebody tell me what day this is!  Ok, looks like March 12, 2012.

It has been a really busy day for us.  At least we didn't have to be out there battling the wild weather!
Hopefully, we won't have to deal with any snow in the morning.  Jim has an appointment back at Kaiser which I think is a little silly, but we do what we need to do.  It was pretty easy physical therapy this weekend, kind of a teaser, but today he had a really full schedule.  One of his wounds was a bleeder this morning so they had to repack and put a pressure bandage on it and then lay still all morning.  It behaved after that and off to pt we went.  Exciting news is that the therapists helped us to go from a wheelchair, to the walker and into the car!  We practiced 3 times and so if the weather is decent I will be taking Jim to Kaiser in the morning.  I have been pushed beyond things I thought I could do, but want Jim to be home soon and become independant again.  Never should we take our lives for granted, it can change in a heartbeat.  Jim is doing so well, he's his usual funny self and all the nurses think he is great. 

Congratulations to the new mommy and daddy, Jody & Bradley.  Saw a picture of Autumn Joy.  She is definitely a keeper.  Can't wait to hold her.

Love to all our family and friends.  Probably won't be a blog until tomorrow night.  Pray for safe travel.  Thanks to all our awesome family that are doing things we won't be able to do for a long time.  We are very grateful.

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