Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 2012   9:30pm

Well, Pa is asleep, Ma is soon there.  This has been a long journey, and we start on another road tomorrow.  This morning the neurosurgeon came in, pulled the tubes, dressed them and told Jim he could take a shower.  He loved that, almost 4 weeks since he has been able to take one.  I think it was the nurse who came in and said he thought we would be going to Rio today, we figured it was to be soon.  So I packed up all our earthly goods (it seemed like it anyway), trotted a load down to the car and guess who had no keys.  Thankfully the nice ladies in the gift shop said they would watch my things while I went back to the 2nd floor and got the keys and more stuff.  Got it all in the car when I get a text from Jim saying that we weren't going after all.  Wanted an ultra-sound to check on blood clot in his leg.  So I dug around in my suitcase for some clothes for tomorrow and decided I needed some comfort food so went to the cafeteria.  This was getting on toward lunch and I needed a drink!  Jim thought I was gone a long time so he texted me and asked if I was sitting on the curb crying! 

Looks like we are out of here tomorrow and I will have to finish this in the morning.  I am unable to keep my eyes open and it will be time for vitals any moment.  He's doing good, but will need prayer still.  Love you, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Yay...a shower!!! Definitely a milestone! Hope today is the day for your big move. Jim seems to be doing so well; we are delighted for him!

    Sending our best,
    Larry & Terry
